Le lycée Töpffer soutient les réfugiés de la guerre en Ukraine en offrant à des enfants une scolarité adaptée à leurs besoins.
Des professeurs du lycée se sont également portés volontaires pour dispenser des cours supplémentaires pour non francophones.
Nos parents d’élèves nous soutiennent généreusement dans cette démarche comme en témoignent les nombreux messages ci-dessous :
Open house day 2022
UnpublishedOpen Day Saturday 14 th May 2022
Choosing the right school for your children is no simple task. If you are looking for a school that is both familial and international, local and cosmopolitan, motivating yet demanding, look no further; the Lycée Töpffer will meet all your requirements.
Since 1954 academic excellent is at the heart of our pedagogic philosophy. For every member of staff, both the academic success and the well-being of your child are indissociable and essential for their self-fulfilment.
Rather than take our word for it, come and see for yourself on Saturday 14th May 2022 from 10am to 3pm.
Forum of Universities 2021
UnpublishedART – CREATION-DESIGN – Architecture intérieure, Jeux video, 3D, Media interactive…
CREA, Genève : création, marketing et communication, digital, direction artistique et développement web
ICART : Ecole de management culturel à Lyon
EPAC : Ecole professionnelle des arts contemporains à Saxon
Ipac – Design, Genève (groupe SAWI): fashion design, design produit et mode, architecture intérieure, com media et interactive
CINEMA Communication, journalisme
EFAP : école de journalisme à Lyon
HEds : physio, diététique, sage-femme, soins infirmiers, radiologie…
HEts : psychomotricité, travail social
HEG : économie d’entreprise, international Business, information documentaire, informatique de gestion
HEM : musique, instrument, vocal, composition
HEAD : art visuel, cinéma, architecture intérieure, com visuelle et design
HEPIA : technologies industrielles, microtechnique, agronomie, gestion de la nature, architecture, architecture du paysage, génie civil, technique du bâtiment…
EHG : Ecole Hôtelière de Genève
EHL : Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne
SHS : Swiss Hospitality School, Passugg (Grisons)
GLION Institute of Higher Education, Glion-sur-Montreux : Ecole hôtelière
LES ROCHES Hospitality and Management School, Crans-Montana : Ecole hôtelière
VATEL Switzerland - Ecole Hôtelière du Valais (EHV SA), Martigny : management hôtelier International présent à Paris, Madrid, Moscou, San Diego, Bruxelles, Dakar, Singapour, New Delhi…
UNIGE : sciences, médecine, droit, éducation, psycho, théologie, traduction, économie, management
USI (Université de la Suisse italienne) : académie d'architecture, communication, culture & société, sciences biomédicales, économie, informatique
BUSINESS SCHOOLS, Ecoles de Commerce, Universités privées
Ecole Schulz : école de commerce à Genève
EIML PARIS : Ecole internationale du marketing de luxe, Paris
Paris School of Luxury, Paris
ESM, Genève : management international, marketing sport-études, communication
ILERI, Lyon : école des relations internationales à Lyon et Paris
Geneva Business School (Genève-Madrid-Barcelone) : relations internationales, marketing digital, sport management, finance…
usiness School, Genève
IFM (Institut de Finance et Management,) Genève : business administration, banque, finance
HULT International Business School : universités privées en Suisse et à l'étranger
International Management School, Geneva : banque, finance, communication, e-business…
International University Genève : relations internationales, médias numériques, management, informatique…
ESCE International Business School : Lyon
INSEFAC Bachelor : école de commerce à Lyon
nève (Groupe INSEEC) : business school à Genève
EPFL, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne : Bachelor of science, ingénieur polytechnicien...
Armée Suisse : Project Chance Armée
Ecole Internationale TUNON, Genève : école d'hôtesse
Carol Panchaud Educom : conseil en éducation internationale / coaching
Gentle digital shift
Before the pandemic crisis, the Lycée Töpffer had already adopted many digital tools, such as Pronote (school life software integrating grades, homework, spaces for parents', teachers' and students' communication, etc.) as well as other educational platforms accessible online. The switch to online courses has therefore been easily taken.
In addition to responding to the safety measures issued by the authorities, we also took into consideration the biological rhythms of the children. The screen time has been adapted, according to the age of our students. We adjusted our schedules by alternating Zoom lessons and accompanied personal work sessions. These measures have allowed us to follow and complete the standard schooling programs.
Read more: Management of the COVID-19 crisis by Lycée Töpffer
Open day 2021: Saturday april 24th 2021
The Open Day 2021 of Lycée Töpffer will take place on april 24th 2021
Choosing the right school for one’s child is not always easy, if you are looking for an establishment that is both familial and international, local and cosmopolitan, motivating and demanding, then we are what you are looking for.
Since 1954 academic excellence has been at the heart of our educational philosophy. For each member of staff the academic success and the wellbeing of your child are just as important as his or her personal development.
Rather than take our word for it, come and see for yourself Saturday 24th April 2021, between 10am and 3pm. During our Open Day our students will be offering guided tours in a variety of languages around our campus and boarding facilities. You can take part in the various activities organized in every class and meet and chat with our teachers who are there to answer all your questions.
We are pleased to welcome both parents and children to this special day, which we hope will enable you to get to know Töpffer better and reaffirm your decision.
Joseph Gabioud
Lycée Töpffer Principal
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